Saturday, August 6, 2011

Chapter 1: A New Beginning.

On July 9th, 2011, I wrote a blog post about a new beginning as to the direction of this blog.
From today onwards, this shall be a blog that will help others and me - to grow in wisdom and compassion. It is with wisdom and compassion that we will all enjoy a more blissful, more happy, or more joyful life.

I have grown past the stage where I need a blog for self satisfaction or self gratification. (My self satisfaction comes naturally from myself - not anything from you - from my ability to give and help)

There's absolutely no need to say "You inspired me" or "I salute you" to me (I don't expect or want anything at anytime). In fact, please do not waste time in all that praise and words. Truth is, they benefit you and me little (if any. Ie: If it makes you feel good that you've supported the cause through uttering some words.). Also, this is purely so that you have the right understanding of what is more important here.
Think through this: by saying that "you salute me", understand what you are implying here. You probably subconsciously implied that you think that: a) I may be more capable than you, therefore you are incapable of any similar actions, b) you would not take actions - even when others are doing it - and even if it is actions for what you think is right. That is some wrong understanding and wrong effort, that will not benefit you or others.

In this similar journey of life *we all walk on the same road*, in the end of the day, I am human, you are human, you die, I die, one day :) We all same-same. Me no have Superman powers.
So lets be comrades in becoming the best person that we can be, and lets not compare if 'I am less capable and you are more capable..I have longer hair and you have shorter hair et cetera.' Such are too minuscule and changeable conditions [emphasis added].

Perhaps, I may have some fortunate life circumstances (that is another reason I am sharing with you how I found my way to those experiences; if you think it will benefit you, reap it, Carpe Diem :D) I believe every healthy human being are capable of little "extra-out-of-the-typical-selfish-action-in-society" effort. I have not found anyone healthy who is incapable of such actions yet, can you suggest someone?

Now the right understanding of what is important here: The most practical, rewarding, and beneficial action you could do for mainly yourself (or me) is to start acting upon (anything you find inspiring in any individuals). After that, start sharing with me real stories of how you have treated others with wisdom, compassion, or other virtues.

Msg me with stories: Vienna Looi (FB) :) (I will so gladly share it here for the benefit of everyone)

Upcoming posts:
Inspiring Story 1: A Malaysian from Cambodia who have attempted to send me a Charity Gift Card after reading my wall post on FB.
Chapter 2: On Happiness.

Chapter 3: On the Self. What is "me"? Is there a true "me"?
Chapter 4: On Death.
(Not necessarily in this order but definitely on these topics)

Now, I need to work more efficiently and find time to convey my thoughts.

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