Sunday, September 25, 2011

Chapter 4: Happiness. Joy.

The term Happiness seems to be somewhat convoluted by much preconceived notions. Most of these notions stem off from the basic assumption that "Desires fulfilled = Happiness".
Capitalism is built off of this assumption. However, capitalism have been illogical, unfulfilling, and unrealistic in too many ways.
Just one of the why it is unrealistic:
If Desires fulfilled =Happiness
Realistically, Human desires are never fulfilled* = So people will never be happy?

* Yet possible, if we purify our mind and heart. Desires in itself are not bad, nor will it cause unhappiness. But attachment to desires, will. Attachment to desires are not an inherent human nature (just what we do, thinking that temporary pleasures will make us happy), but an inherent impurity in human - that could be 'picked out'.

Happiness is to me today - joy.

The ultimate Joy that I have experienced in meditation*, shocking but true, comes from a still, peaceful, quiet, equanimous, and empty mind.

That moment of realizing you were experiencing complete stillness and emptiness, although only a few seconds,

Imagine your mind was as still, empty and calm as the space in the universe.But with infinite consciousness and heightened awareness of every occurrences.
The mind was free from bustling mental activities and became perfectly still.
Empty; devoid of self; but never more aware of everything.

That feeling was Beyond ..comfort. beyond relief.. beyond satisfying. beyond joy - any joy that I have ever experienced in my lifetime.

I suppose some call this a feeling of bliss.
I wished everyone get to meditate, and be wowed by such experience of joy - it sure does makes me understand what true peace and joy is all about.
It sure does make any hysterical laughter feels inferior now.  
Like a moment of epiphany, where you want to burst into laughter in your heart at how everything makes sense now. 
Where you experience what the "self" really is (stripped off from all social conditioning) - just consciousness - you scoffed at & abandoned the societal definition of "self", and your actions naturally gradually orient towards selflessness since.

I surprised myself arriving at the following conclusion. Didn't thought this was possible, but:

Highest state of Joy = Emptiness.
                               Equanimity. :)

Disclaimer: It may not be conventional to meditate - especially for the young ones. But I am not religious, nor am I spiritual (which seems to pertain to spirit, soul or the mystics) cause I need to understand "Why" and the logic behind everything. I meditate because I think:

  • You go to the gym? Good - that's performing some physical exercise! Now, what about mental exercise? To make your more resilient, and strong emotionally? (I reckon, learning to Act than React to problems is life-changing) Also, to be more opened, insightful, and thus wise?
  • Understanding myself
  • Improving my psychological well being - becoming more joyful  - not that I am not joyful enough just as I am now ;)
  • Improving my weaknesses - by realizing it through one of those introspection process, gradually eliminating them, subsequently developing good qualities (that will ultimately reward me with more joy in my life)

are very important directions of my life.
Of course, it also jive with some other inner values and goals of mine.
The most realistic way to change the world, is to change yourself by introspecting, dissecting, and analysing yourself objectively - what meditation never fails to do.

The road less travelled - rewards you like nothing that you know conventionally. 

1 comment:

  1. this beautiful. i hope to learn more, but i am trapped. any helpful suggestions? I just feel like I have so much but I am bottled up, caged in my material ambitions and strive to be better than everyone else. as a result, i disappear into myself, never truly experiencing fullfillment/happiness. I really do always want more.
