The term Happiness seems to be somewhat convoluted by much preconceived notions. Most of these notions stem off from the basic assumption that "Desires fulfilled = Happiness".
Capitalism is built off of this assumption. However, capitalism have been illogical, unfulfilling, and unrealistic in too many ways.
Just one of the why it is unrealistic:
If Desires fulfilled =Happiness
Realistically, Human desires are never fulfilled* = So people will never be happy?
* Yet possible, if we purify our mind and heart. Desires in itself are not bad, nor will it cause unhappiness. But attachment to desires, will. Attachment to desires are not an inherent human nature (just what we do, thinking that temporary pleasures will make us happy), but an inherent impurity in human - that could be 'picked out'.
Happiness is to me today - joy.
The ultimate Joy that I have experienced in meditation*, shocking but true, comes from a still, peaceful, quiet, equanimous, and empty mind.
That moment of realizing you were experiencing complete stillness and emptiness, although only a few seconds,
Imagine your mind was as still, empty and calm as the space in the universe.But with infinite consciousness and heightened awareness of every occurrences.
The mind was free from bustling mental activities and became perfectly still.
Empty; devoid of self; but never more aware of everything.